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Stories & Blog

On this blog we share news about our work with the children the progress of LEEDO as an organization. You can read how the children from our Peace Home are developing and what challenges we face working with street children. We want to share our experiences with you because we are convinced that more people should know about the dangerous environment street connected children are living in. The more of us know, the more we can do together!

Folk Music Event to support street-connected children in Bangladesh

Music is an essential aspect of all human civilizations and has the power to emotionally, morally, and culturally affect society. Folk music is a traditional genre of Bangladesh. Bengali folk music plays a very effective role in addressing any specific issue and...

Cycle Rally for the The International Day for Street Children-IDSC

Cycling has always been a popular sport that had tons of following, but in recent years many are opting for cycling and for a variety of reasons. LEEDO has selected Cycling to draw attention among the general public of the country for achieving the protection and...

Boat Human Chain to Support Street-connected Children

In order to create public awareness on the prevention of child trafficking by water ways, we have organized human chain on boats. Child trafficking is one of the biggest problems in Bangladesh and it is an obstacle to children's rights. Every day a lot of children...

Awareness Meeting with LEEDO Different Stakeholders

People from different professions of the society have a huge role in the protection and realization of the rights of street children. We divide them into different stakeholders and organize community dialogues, meetings or discussions with them to raise awareness...

Everyday life during lockdown at the Peace Home

Due to the pandemic, the schools are still closed in Bangladesh. The months of the school lockdown have been a very challenging time. All the kids were at the Peace Home all day every day. Almost all of them missed going to school very much. They missed studying for...

Update on Coronavirus situation in Bangladesh – Apr 2021

The number of Covid-19 cases and fatalities have been going down in Bangladesh since last summer. Testing remained at a significantly lower rate than for example in Europe, but the country seemed to have the pandemic under control. Vaccinations are also available, and...

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