LEEDO Street Children
Welcome to our Newsletter

In our first issue we will be taking a closer look at the situation of street children during the pandemic and how the Transitional Shelter has been a safe space for street children in these difficult times.

We hope you enjoy our new newsletter! If you have any feedback or would like to share anything else with us we would love to hear from you :)


Take a minute to think...

How can you “Stay home” when the street is your “home”?

How can you “Wash your hands” when you don’t even have access to enough water to drink, let alone water for basic hygiene?

How can you “Keep distance” when you live in the desperately overcrowded city of Dhaka and the only place to sleep is crammed together on a piece of cardboard with other kids?

Stories from Dhaka
While the World stays at Home

...what happens to children who live or work on the streets?

As the global Covid-19 pandemic continues to evolve with each new day, a humanitarian crisis is unfolding for the world’s most vulnerable and marginalized people. During these weeks and months of uncertainty we all limit contact, stay and work from home in order to stay safe. But this, very clearly, is not possible for everyone. Living as a street child is already a situation of misery, but greater woes come with the added hardships of this pandemic. Street children around the world are particularly hit hard by this pandemic...

The Transitional Shelter

... how does the Shelter help children during the pandemic?

LEEDO operates two Transitional Shelters which serve as the first point of rescue for the street children in need and offers shelter from the inhumane conditions of living on the streets. Those Transitional Shelters have become even more crucial during the pandemic, for the number of kids on the streets has increased and their situation deteriorated. When a child arrives at the shelter, we immediately address his or her basic needs including nutritious food, clothing, a bed, medical treatment, entertainment and essential facilities. We also counsel the children, listening to and acting on their preferences to find out the real cause and challenges. We usually face two major challenges in our daily work…

Call for Donations

With your support we will keep our doors open!

In this newsletter we are kindly asking each and every one of you for a contribution to keep up our work for the street children of Bangladesh. More specifically, we need financial support to keep the Transitional Shelters up and running. We can only handle the increasing number of kids with your help. Each Taka, Euro, Dollar or Pound is supporting us in rescuing children from the harsh life in the streets determined by constant struggles, violence, hunger and sexual and mental abuse. Your donations will surely go a long way and help those who were not able to protect themselves from the severe ramifications of a year-long global pandemic.

Support LEEDO
LEEDO Street Children
Washpur Garden City, Road No-6, Washpur, Basila
LEEDO is registered with Office of the Prime Minister, and People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Registration Number: 1466.
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