With your support we will be there to protect the children!
Thank you!

With your support we will be there to protect them!
With 30₤ (ca. 35€ / 35 US-D / 3500 BDT) you make sure one of our street mobilizers is out in the field for one week. In the area around the ferry terminal Sadarghat an the Kamalapur train station innocent children arrive everyday. Your donation empowers us to be there before human traffickers and ‘owners’ will be!
With 50₤ (ca. 60€ / 60 US-D / 5500 BDT) you move our mobile school out to the streets of Dhaka for one week. We transport the mobile classroom to remote areas around Dhaka to give the disadvantaged children the chance to learn the basics of Math, English and Bangla. With your donation, you can bring a classroom to life!
With 100₤ (ca. 110€ / 110 US-D / 11000 BDT) you can provide a whole classroom in one of our Schools under the Sky with enough energy to soak up new knowledge. Our teachers move out four times a week to educate 30-35 children regulary. With your donation we can provide a lunch for each of these children during the break of our three hour lesson.
LEEDO has many friends all over the world that support us in our work. Please support LEEDO by donating to our friends. Every single donation it will go to 100% towards LEEDOs work with children living on, or connected with, the streets of Dhaka.
View Bank Details
Bank Account Name: LEEDO
Bank Account Number: 139-120-1817
Swift Code: DBBLBDDH
Country of the Bank: Bangladesh
Branch Name: Imamgong
Donate via bKash
Step 2: Select Option 1 (Send Money)
Step 3: Enter Receiver bkash Account Number- 01819291567
Step 4: Enter Amount
Step 5: Write “1” as reference
Step 6: Enter your PIN
Step 7: You will receive confirmation message
Step 8: Tell your friends how easy it was to support street children in Dhaka

We are very thankful for your donation!
It doesn’t matter if you donate 10, 100 or 1000 Taka – all together we can give the children a perspective.
From the UK
Friends of Street Children Bangladesh is registered (charity number 1171061) so if you are living in UK your donation is tax-deductable.